Does insight discriminate? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Kevin Ariyo

Workstream 5
14 Sep, 2019

Oral presentation at the Mental Health Disability Law Seminar day at the University of Nottingham. September, 2019.

Ariyo, K., Ruck Keene, A., David, A.S., & Owen, G.

This presentation was based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of empirical studies, looking at the relationship between insight and various sociodemographic factors. We aimed to contribute to debates around whether insight is compliant as legal evidence given current equality legislation. A writeup of the systematic review is currently going through the peer review submission process and we will update this page upon confirmation.

We collaborated with Alex Ruck Keene from workstream 6 for this project. Alex’s background as a barrister helped us to consider which findings could potentially constitute direct or indirect discrimination, and the implications this would have on capacity assessments.