Tania Gergel gives a brief summary of workstream 3’s recent study on service user views on ‘self-binding directives’,...
Workstream 3 activity

Odysseus and the Sirens - can a Homeric myth offer insights for contemporary psychiatry? – a talk by Dr Tania Gergel
On 9 September 2021, Tania Gergel gave a short talk, “Odysseus and the Sirens - can a Homeric myth offer insights...

Our Duty to the Past and Our Past Selves - Marc Sanders Foundation
On 10 June 2021, Tania Gergel had a wonderful opportunity to discuss 'self-binding directives' with the inspirational...
‘Choice, Compulsion, and Capacity in Addiction’ - A commentary by Dr Tania Gergel
‘Choice, Compulsion, and Capacity in Addiction’ - A commentary on Charland, L. ‘Consent and Capacity in the Age of the...
In conversation with Dr Tania Gergel: philosophy, capacity, presumptions and personhood
www.mentalcapacitylawandpolicy.org.uk, 2020
Advance decision-making, bipolar and overcoming fears - Lucy Stephenson
www.mentalcapacitylawandpolicy.org.uk, 2020 https://player.vimeo.com/video/429563091
Personal identity and advance directives - Tania Gergel and Wayne Martin
Conference presentation: Essex Autonomy Project 10th Anniversary Summer School, 2020 Research Gate
Writing an advance choice document - Tania Gergel
Tania Gergel has written a blog for Bipolar UK on 'writing an advance choice document': These are such uncertain times...
‘Precedent autonomy and shifting identity in bipolar: metaphor; justification; philosophical impact?’ - Tania Gergel
Maudsley Philosophy Group seminar, 2019 Research Gate
Mental Health and Justice colloquium 2019
Members of the Mental Health and Justice research project gathered across the workstreams, alongside participants of...
‘Advance decision making for mental health crises’ - Tania Gergel and Lucy Stephenson
Bipolar UK National Conference 2019
Maudsley Masterclasses on ‘Contested Capacity Assessments’ in June and July 2019
Kane. N, Owen, G. & Ruck Keene, A.
Perinatal psychiatry masterclass on ‘Mental Health and Capacity Law, Court of Protection, Advance Directives’ - Tania Gergel and Alex Ruck Keene
Presentation at the Royal College of Psychiatrists
‘Advance Care Planning in Mental Health’ - Tania Gergel
Presentation for The Advocacy Project