In this ‘in conversation’ with Dr Hanna Kienzler, we discuss her work in Palestine as part of the Mental Health and...

In this ‘in conversation’ with Dr Hanna Kienzler, we discuss her work in Palestine as part of the Mental Health and...
Human Development & Capability Association. 30 June 2020....
Priority in Practice, 22-23 June. Oxford University.
Webinar on “Rethinking Higher Education: A new way of learning to become” organised by Education Above All Foundation...
MANCEPT Workshops 2020 - Disability and Political Theory: From Status and Distributive Justice to Citizenship
Kienzler, H., Hammoudeh, W, & Giacaman, R. Online conference “WithForAbout2020” organised by Heart of Glass, May...
Leveana Gyimah blogs for King’s College London Global Health Institute: On the 13th of March, 2020 Ghanaians received...
Drah EA, Ashaley CF and Read UM Short film with Jason Amoo. Mental health advocacy by people with lived experience in...
Global Platform for the Rapid Generation and Transfer of Knowledge on COVID-19 and older adults in low and...
King’s College London (2020)
Human Development and Capability Association 2020 Conference
Rabaia, Y., Mitwalli, S. & Kienzler, H. At the Reproductive Health Working Group Meeting in Beirut, Lebanon, 2019
SLSA conference, University of Leeds
Human Rights Seminar Series, The University of Hong Kong
Ursula Read, together with Sumeet Jain, University of Edinburgh, convened a symposium entitled ‘Recovery in the Global...
Members of the Mental Health and Justice research project gathered across the workstreams, alongside participants of...
Association of Social Anthropologists conference, University of East Anglia, 5 Sept 2024