The Mental Health and Justice project – funded by a WT Collaborative award and a WT public and patient engagement...

The Mental Health and Justice project – funded by a WT Collaborative award and a WT public and patient engagement...
Kienzler, H., Mitwalli, S., & Cicek, M. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry....
van der Plas, E., Zhang, S., Dong, K., Bang, D., Li, J., Wright, N.D. & Fleming, S.M. Journal of Experimental...
Gareth Owen, Nuala Kane, Alex Ruck Keene BJPsych Advances, 1-3. doi:10.1192/bja.2021.71 Summary We comment on Martin...
Scott Kim, Nuala Kane, Alex Ruck Keene, Gareth Owen Journal of Medical Ethics. Published Online First: 02 August...
Gergel, T., Das, P., Owen, G., Stephenson, L., Rifkin, L., Hindley, G. The Lancet Psychiatry, Voulme 8, Issue...
Tania Gergel, Preety Das, Gareth Owen, Lucy Stephenson, Larry Rifkin, Guy Hindley, John Dawson, Alex Ruck Keene The...
Wayne Martin; Miriam Brown; Thomas Hartvigsson; Donny Lyons; Callum MacLeod; Graham Morgan; Lisa Schölin; Kathleen...
Kevin Ariyo, Alex Ruck Keene, Anthony S David, Gareth Owen International Journal of Social Psychiatry. August 2021....
Kevin Ariyo, Andrew McWilliams, Anthony S. David, Gareth S. Owen Wellcome Open Res 2021, 6:144...
Jillian Craigie Medical Law Review, Volume 29, Issue 1, Winter 2021, Pages 48–79, ...
A new study by researchers from the ‘Supporting Advance Directives’ workstream, in partnership with the charity...
Kane, N., Ruck Keene, A., Owen, G., Kim, S. PLOS ONE, Published: February 5,...
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 216(3), 165-165.
Journal of Medical Ethics. 202010.1136/medethics-2020-106128.[Epub ahead of print] This commentary addressed some...
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-3. Volume 217(3)2020doi: 10.1192/bjp.2019.217. This short review article...
Frontiers in Psychiatry. 11:560329 (early online).
Health and Human Rights. (early online).