Scott Kim, Nuala Kane, Alex Ruck Keene, Gareth Owen Journal of Medical Ethics. Published Online First: 02 August...

Scott Kim, Nuala Kane, Alex Ruck Keene, Gareth Owen Journal of Medical Ethics. Published Online First: 02 August...
Tania Gergel gives a brief summary of workstream 3’s recent study on service user views on ‘self-binding directives’,...
Gergel, T., Das, P., Owen, G., Stephenson, L., Rifkin, L., Hindley, G. The Lancet Psychiatry, Voulme 8, Issue...
On 9 September 2021, Tania Gergel gave a short talk, “Odysseus and the Sirens - can a Homeric myth offer insights...
Tania Gergel, Preety Das, Gareth Owen, Lucy Stephenson, Larry Rifkin, Guy Hindley, John Dawson, Alex Ruck Keene The...
Wayne Martin; Miriam Brown; Thomas Hartvigsson; Donny Lyons; Callum MacLeod; Graham Morgan; Lisa Schölin; Kathleen...
Kevin Ariyo, Alex Ruck Keene, Anthony S David, Gareth Owen International Journal of Social Psychiatry. August 2021....
On 10 June 2021, Tania Gergel had a wonderful opportunity to discuss 'self-binding directives' with the inspirational...
As part of the Mental Health and Justice project, artist researcher Sarah Carpenter has been collaborating with...
Kevin Ariyo, Andrew McWilliams, Anthony S. David, Gareth S. Owen Wellcome Open Res 2021, 6:144...
Jillian Craigie Medical Law Review, Volume 29, Issue 1, Winter 2021, Pages 48–79, ...
A new study by researchers from the ‘Supporting Advance Directives’ workstream, in partnership with the charity...
We are a team of mental health researchers and practitioners from King’s College London, Birzeit University, and the...
Kane, N., Ruck Keene, A., Owen, G., Kim, S. PLOS ONE, Published: February 5,...